Recipes & Health

Recipe: Vegan Italian quiche

It’s that time of the year again. Time to give my body some vitamins. Of course this all in a very “Céline” way, in which I decide to be a kitchen princess for two days a week, cooking a healthy, vegan, sugarfree meal. With that meal, I drink a glass of delicious wine, the next …

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Recipes & Health

Recept | Vegan Detox Salad

I came up with this recipe in one of these moments that I wanted to eat something healthy, but I knew my boyfriend didn’t like the healthy aspect of it. How surprised I got when he actually appeared to love this clean eating meal!

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Lifestyle Recipes & Health

Recept: Mango chilipeper smoothie

Soms zijn de simpelste recepten het aller lekkerst. Ik herinner mij nog goed dat mijn vader vroeger wel eens voor feestjes of verjaardagen een drankje meenam in de smaak mango rode peper. Ik weet niet meer van welk merk dit drinken was (ik denk royal club?), maar dat ik hier verzot op was, heb ik …

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