My schedule is slowly starting to fill itself with appointments and deadlines. This leads to me being bussy all day and not spending time on decorating my Bullet Journal. The overfull schedule even led to the fact that I didn’t use my Bullet Journal for a whole week, which felt like a couple of months to me. Even tough I didn’t have much time to make my Bullet Journal “perfect”, I still love the Bullet Journal system like crazy. It is just so flexible and easy to use. I also encountered more and more comments on the internet about minimalistic Bullet Journals. This inspired me to make the month of March a minimalistic month in my Bullet Journal. Clean, clear, but still very usable.
Minimal use of color
When creating a minimalistic layout, it is obvious that there is not much use of color. I used black as my basic tint and chose one accent color for putting some extra focus on certain words or details. For this I chose a dark red color, but I have also seen beautiful journals with light blue as the accent color. It is just personal preference which color you choose. Besides the accent color, I love it when people use different shades of grey (maybe 50?) in their minimal journals. Personally I only own one grey pen, but when using several grey shades it creates a very relaxed feeling when looking in your journal. When you are planning on keeping your Bullet Journal minimalistic, it could be nice to invest in several grey liners.
Monthly Cleanse
Every month I check which sets I want to keep and what sets can be deleted from my Bullet Journal. In this way I only create pages that I actually use during the month. I also come up with some new ideas to try out this month. During March I use a monthly overview, a very short tracker, my gratitude list, a page for my income and spendings and offcourse my daily pages. I also want to create a list of my runs, in order to keep track of my progress. I can do this in Nike+, but sometimes it is nnice to write everything down in a list as well.
Keep it minimalistic
A Bullet Journal is a very handy way to keep all your lists and to-do’s in one place. Doing this in a creative way can be very inspiring now and then, but in the end it is the functionality of the journal that counts. During this busy month, I really enjoyed it to use my Bullet Journal without spending to much time on making it look “nice”. I might keep this layout for the next couple of months or so, just so I can use the Bullet Journal system without needing to spend time on the creative part. I love being creative now and then, but when there is no time, there is no time.
In order to keep al the spreads still clear and usable, it is very important to make use of clear symbols. This will help you see the difference between to-do’s, appoitments or just notes. I saw journals that had maybe over 50 different symbols. I don;t use that many symbols myself. The symbols I use the most are a square for my to-do’s, a little dot for events and a triangle for appointments.
How do you keep your journal minimalistic and easy to use?
Leuk en handig zo een journal
Wat heb je het mooi vormgegeven! Ik was in februari begonnen met een bullet journal, maar merkte dat ik het lastig vond om bij te houden.
Wat jammer dat het systeem toch niet helemaal aansloeg. Gebruikte je hem alleen voor je to-do lijstjes? Dat is wel het gemakkelijkst bij te houden en om heel eerlijk te zijn sla ik ook regelmatig een paar dagen over hoor. ;)
Wauw. Het duurde mij dus serieus ⅔ van het artikel voor ik door had dat je dit allemaal zelf hebt gecreëerd/getekend, respect! Als enorme fan van lijstjes, notities, gegevens bijhouden (en misschien vooral ook afvinken) ziet dit er echt enorm inspirerend uit. Ik ga er even over nadenken voor mijn nieuwe to do lijst, aangezien de oude vol is. Thanks!
Wauw, dankjewel voor het compliment!
Hello! Your articles are amazing! There are clear and the photos are really beautiful. What an inspiration is your blog! I think I will start my own Bullet Journal on this minimalistic theme. Thank you for all your advice! xoxo
Thank you for your kind words! I would love to see your minimalistic Bullet Journal if you are ready :)
Nog maar net begonnen in m’n bulletjournal, maar raak zeer geïnspireerd door jouw layouts! Ziet er prachtig uit!
Wat lief! Dankjewel!