new years wine, champagne, minimalist photography

Happy 2017

Happy 2017! You are allowed to say that up until one week after new years right? For me the new year started quite basic but cosy none the less. This will also be my “theme” for 2017.

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The last day of 2016

It has come to that point in the year, when it is the very last day of it. It’s always a strange point when you realise this year is really over and it always makes me a bit sad to close a chapter that was so awesome. However, it is also exciting to start a …

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Blogging & Career Lifestyle

My year in books- 2016

In 2016 I rediscovered the joy of reading books. Well, I actually discovered this already in 2015 while I lived in Finland. However, I made it my personal goal to continue reading in 2016. Now in the last week of 2016 I can say that this resolution worked out just fine. I read 32 books …

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Hallo, Oktober!

Het lijkt wel of het weer dezelfde kalender aanhoudt als wij. Oktober begint en meteen is het gedaan met het warme, zonnige weer. Buiten is het grijs, zo nu en dan wat regen, het is vroeg donker en de temperaturen dalen weer. Voor mij voelt het alweer als eeuwen geleden dat je lekker in het …

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